The location of a corporate event is extremely important – it is the simplest and most efficient way to impress both potential clients and future employees. With hundreds of venues for rent in all parts of the town, choosing the right place can be quite a hurdle. That’s why we at Venopi believe that with the right filtering, choosing your perfect location is a piece of cake.



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Amsterdam conferences. How can Venopi help?

With various filters such as facilities like Lockers, Air Conditioning, etc., services like receptions and caterers, accessibility factors like whether the venues are disabled and pet-friendly, and much more, choosing the right spaces in Amsterdam has now become easier than ever. All you have to do is log onto our website and mark all the filters which apply, and ta-da! your perfect venue shows up on the screen! Venopi is the ideal conference venue finder.

Events in Amsterdam. Is there any way I can find everything I need in one place?

Yes, and that would be Venopi! Very soon, we'll be able to provide you with some contact details of some great caterers, decorators, musicians, all the people you will need around you for organizing an impressive corporate event. This will also provide an opportunity for start-up service providers, who will be allowed to advertise their businesses on our website, making Venopi a win-win platform for all.

So now you know, conference rooms in Amsterdam aren't that hard to find. You don't need to go around calling and checking out hundreds of event venues just to realize they aren't what you need from your boss. We know that private venue events can be demanding and tiring, but they are platforms for your businesses to show their value and should be outrageously perfect. Amsterdam is a lively place, filled with startups, venues and events, and with Venopi, you can rest assured that your corporate event is gonna be a blast!