Wicked Grounds is a safe haven for today's and tomorrow's changemakers, locations where creative spirits develop and clash relationships, unique spaces that challenge and connect and inspire again and again. At Wicked Grounds, we feel responsible for your event. We love to think along and are sincerely involved to do everything we can to take care of you. Wicked Grounds is the embodiment of the new economic course that is gaining weight and strength. We are young, fresh and full of energy and ideals. Our venues are spaces with an extraordinary experience. Venues in the city where you can cast off the shackles of your daily distractions, inspired by the decor, service, and energy. Areas where creativity flourishes and barriers are broken. Wicked Grounds is innovative, inspiring and connecting.



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Wicked Grounds is not only just a collection of beautiful locations, we are a creative agency. Our locations can be rented as an empty space. However as an agency, we can really take your event to another level. This is where the magic happens. Add your wishes to the table, the desired outcome, and we will realize the conditions for you. With our energy, experience, creativity and large network we always outrival ourselves. Curious what we can mean as a creative agency for you? Ask for the possibilities.